Why did you move to India? We have heard that renowned Architect BV Joshi is the one who invited over you to India. How did that happen? Or rather what exactly happened?

Why did you move to India? We have heard that renowned Architect BV Joshi is the one who invited over you to India. How did that happen? Or rather what exactly happened?

Answer From Prof. Christopher Charles Benninger :

When I land in India I see many people boarding flights to America. I consider them as fools. India is a frontier in many streams. When I was at Harvard many Professors worked close with Joshi and they recommended to go to India. During those times there were only 9 Architecture Schools in India and there were only 15-20 students in each class. So you can imagine the statistics of the field of architecture in India. Joshi was a great student and a mentor and he asked me to teach the architectural students about Urban planning. I started teaching students at CEPT school of architecture.

Joshi suggested me to take up a studio, which is exciting then and now as few of the students whom I taught in that studio are frontier in the field of architecture in India today. There were hard career choices to make and with the mentoring of Joshi I guess I choose the right one to open the Urban School of Planning in India. The work through it gave me great recognition and a career break when I was 29 years old.

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