There is a missing link in live training and mentoring by today’s generation architecture students by architect offices creating extra pressure on institutions. How can be solved from the academician and practicing architect’s side?
Answer From Prof. Christopher Charles Benninger :
Let’s talk about institutions. We usually take 4 or 5 people two times a year. The institutions let the students write, the institutions don’t write to the students. Even after the students are being accepted into the program, they don’t mention that this is the course that we going to mentor you on. There is not a separate professor to do all this stuff. We would like them to go to the site with the Senior Architect and help with our stuff. Most of the students who come to my studio don’t know dimensional drawing. We mentor them over it. My problem starts with the institutes, Usually, JNTU visits offices where the students are getting trained and asks them for feedback. They don’t ask how did a particular faculty perform. They ask what are the new things that you have learned which you haven’t learned in the past 3 to 3 ½ years.
What are the things that we can improve? There is a gap between the institution and private practicing institutions because many staff who learned architecture lack studio experience or site experience.